Art therapy reaches sick children where injections and medication cannot
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A serious illness or accident affects every aspect of a person’s being: physically, emotionally and psychologically. For young in-patients and their families, a stay at hospital is a particularly significant and often distressing event. In addition to the various medical interventions, there is the fear of the unknown, the pain, the distance from loved ones, and all of this in an aseptic, unfamiliar and changing environment. For parents, too, their child’s hospitalisation is synonymous with suffering: they feel powerless and often blame themselves.
In this stressful situation, art therapy provides a decisive counterbalance.
As a growing number of scientific studies show (WHO, 2019), these gentle, non-invasive therapies promote and accelerate the healing process and have a positive long-term effect on the health of young patients and their families. These therapies enable them to better understand what they are going through, manage their fears, reduce stress and gain confidence.
No more English news
From the 1st of June, we will no longer be publishing our news in English. You can access the latest news in French, German or Italian.
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Our projects
In 2024, the ART- THERAPIE Foundation will be supporting 16 art therapy projects for children in 13 partner hospitals throughout Switzerland – more information about our projects here.
Our impact
“Art therapy has become an essential part of multidisciplinary care for children suffering from chronic illnesses or who are currently experiencing severe difficulties. It addresses the child and family as subjects and creators of their current reality, and helps to advance therapeutic processes in close cooperation with the medical and care team. Creative therapies encourage contact and interaction. The defensive attitudes (editor’s note: of the patients) after the many stresses are abandoned without having to show themselves or open up explicitly”.
Dr. med. Christian Henkel, Leitender Arzt / Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie sowie für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Schwerpunkt Psychosomatische u. Psychosoziale Medizin (SAPPM), Ostschweizer Kinderspital, St. Gallen
Our 2023 activities in figures
Since 2008
In many hospitals, the implementation of art therapy programmes is still often dependent on the support of non-profit organisations such as the Fondation ART-THERAPY.
We look forward to seeing you!
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