“Art and music help to heal wounds, whether through a passive process of observation/listening or an active process of creating something yourself. After each moment, there’s an improvement, a feeling of well-being. You create to heal.“
Charlotte Leber
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Art and music have marked our founder’s life from a very early age, and at a very young age she discovered the positive effects of creativity. As a mother, Charlotte Leber has tried to pass on values such as sharing and solidarity to her daughter. She motivated the 5-year-old girl to donate her toys to children hospitalised at Geneva University Hospitals. At the end of the visit, Muriel, then aged 5, looked at her mother and asked her a crucial question: “So, Mummy, I’ve done a good deed, but what are you doing?”
Never forgetting her daughter’s phrase, Charlotte gave the impetus for BNP Paribas bank’s first philanthropic projects and encouraged management to launch an art therapy project. Convinced of the positive impact of art, she and six hospitals founded the Fondation ART-THERAPIE in Geneva on 31 July 2008.
Our Vision
Art therapy has been established in Switzerland as a recognised form of therapy and is an integral part of hospital care, enabling hospitals to cover the costs of these programmes.
Charlotte Leber
Fonder, President, Genève & Zürich
Daniel Frutig
Vice-President, Unternehmer, Winterthur
Dr. med. Kurt Albermann
Member, Chefarzt Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum (SPZ), stv. Leiter Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kantonsspital Winterthur
Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Frey
Member, ehemaliger Abteilungsleiter Intensivmedizin und Neonatologie, Universitäts-Kinderspital (KISPI), Zürich
Patrick Voegeli
Member, Membre Conseil d’Administration Cité Gestion Private Bank, Genève
Ursula Bonhage
Member, Geschäftsführerin Stiftung Stöckenweid, Feldmeilen
The Team
The operating team currently comprises five people, with a total workload of 250%.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board shares its expertise and experience in various fields on a voluntary basis, and provides us with help and advice whenever we need it. Current members:
Montserrat Bellprat
Coordination of the foundation sector Responsable Members & Community, SwissFoundations
Jutta Gangsted
Legal Affairs
Attorney at Law (New York), LL.M., TEP, Lenz & Staehlin
Jo Hazelwood
Fundraising & Communication
Fundraising and Communication Specialist
Sandra Lutz Hochreutener
Dr.sc.mus., Musiktherapeutin SFMT, eidg. anerk. Psychotherapeutin, Supervisorin bso; emer. Leitung Studiengänge Musiktherapie. Leitung Diplomweiterbildung Supervision & Coaching sowie musiktherapeutische Forschung an der ZHdK.
Isabelle Thomann
Public Relations & Events
Membre du Conseil de fondation, Fondation Jean-Marc Probst pour le Petit Prince
Hors conseil
Secretary of the Foundation Board
Silvana Mombelli Thommen
Prof. Dr. Alain Golay, ancien médecin-chef, service d’Éducation thérapeutique du patient pour maladies chroniques, diabète et obésité, HUG
Dr. med. Josef Laimbacher, ehemaliger Chefarzt Abteilung Jugendmedizin, Ostschweizer Kinderspital, St. Gallen
Cornelia Neuhaus, Co-Leitung Therapien, Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel
Dr. med. Valdo Pezzoli, ex primario del reparto di Pediatria, Ospedale regionale di Lugano EOC
An association by and for premature babies and their families. We work on a voluntary basis to promote music and music therapy for premature and sick babies and their parents.
Consultive Revisions AG, Winterthur
We look forward to seeing you!
Rue de Beaumont 11
CH-1206 Genève
+41 78 838 24 26
Postfinance : 12-731551-9 IBAN : CH29 0900 0000 1273 1551 9
Compte: 0251-1489262-11
IBAN: CH19 0483 5148 9262 1100 0
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Member of proFonds, the Swiss umbrella organisation for charitable foundations and associations.
We look forward to seeing you!
Rue de Beaumont 11
CH-1206 Genève
+41 78 838 24 26
Postfinance : 12-731551-9 IBAN : CH29 0900 0000 1273 1551 9
Compte: 0251-1489262-11
IBAN: CH19 0483 5148 9262 1100 0
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