«Art has the task to keep awake what is so important and necessary for humans like us.»
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Trade Literature
WHO expert meeting on prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases: learning from the arts
Opera House Budapest, Hungary, 15-16 December 2022: meeting report. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
Befragung in psychiatrischen Kliniken zu Bestand und Bedarf
SGPP-JAHRESTAGUNG, 2024, Dr. med. Kurt Albermann, Alessandra Weber, Prof. Dr. med. Erich Seifritz, Christine Gäumann,  Dr. Brigitte Müller
Musical and vocal interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes for preterm infants
Cochrane Library, 2023, Friederike B Haslbeck, Katharina Mueller, Tanja Karen, Joanne Loewy, Joerg J Meerpohl Dirk Bassler
How the Arts Help Children to Create Healthy Social Scripts: Exploring the Perceptions of Elementary Teachers
Arts Education Policy Review, 2010, 111(1), Liane Brouillette
Art Therapy: A Complementary Treatment for Mental Disorders
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, Jingxuan Hu, Jinhuan Zhang, Liyu Hu, Haibo Yu and Jinping Xu
Review: systematic review of effectiveness of art psychotherapy in children with mental health disorders
Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2021, Irene Braito, Tara Rudd, Dicle Buyuktaskin, Mohammad Ahmed, Caoimhe Glancy, Aisling Mulligan
Creative Music Therapy with Premature Infants and Their Parents: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study on Parents’ Anxiety, Stress and Depressive Symptoms and Parent–Infant Attachment
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, ​S.M.Kehl, P.La Marca-Ghaemmaghami, M.Haller, E.Pichler-Stachl, H-U.Bucher, D.Bassler and F.B.Haslbeck
Creative music therapy to promote brain function and brain structure in preterm infants: A randomized controlled pilot study
Elsevier, 2020, F.B.Haslbecka, A.Jakabb, U.Held, D.Bassler, H-U. Bucher, C.Hagmann
Art Therapy for Psychosocial Problems in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Narrative Review on Art Therapeutic Means and Forms of Expression, Therapist Behavior, and Supposed Mechanisms of Change
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, Liesbeth Bosgraaf, Marinus Spreen, Kim Pattiselanno and Susan van Hooren
Music in premature infants enhances high-level cognitive brain networks
PNAS, 2019, L.Lordier, D-E.Meskaldji, F.Grouiller, M.P.Pittet, A.Vollenweider, L.Vasung, C.Borradori-Tolsa, F.Lazeyras, D.Grandjean, D.Van De Ville and P.S.Hüppi
What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review
World Health Organization, 2019, Daisy Fancourt, Saoirse Finn
Positives Körperbild bei Jugendlichen in der Schweiz
Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, 2017, Faktenblatt 25,
Feuille d’information 25: Image corporelle positive chez les jeunes en Suisse
Promotion Santé Suisse, 2017, Feuille d’information 25
Wissenschaftliche Forschung in der Kunsttherapie – Evidenz und Highlights
Oda Arte Cura, 2017, Dietrich von Bonin
Efficacité d’un programme d’art-thérapie pour adolescents obèses
Ther Patient Educ, 2016, 8(2), J-L.Sudres, C.Anzules, K.Albermann, V.Pezzoli, N.Evangelista, M.Mulattieri, C.Mühlbauer, J.Bär, N.Farpour-Lambert, G.Brandibas et A.Golay
Art therapy for patients with depression: expert opinions on its main aspects for clinical practice.
Journal of Mental Health, 2016, 25(6), Blomdahl, C., Gunnarsson, B A., Guregård, S., Rusner, M., Wijk, H. et al.
Nationale Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Kunsttherapie
Forum für Kunsttherapie, 2014, Dr. med. K. Albermann, J. Bär, Dr. med. V. Pezzoli, M. Mulattieri, C. Mühlbauer, Prof. Dr. med. A. Golay, C. Anzules, N. Evangelista, J-L. Sudres
Die Macht der Musik: Klänge und Melodien lösen im Gehirn direkt Emotionen aus
NZZ, September 2024
Les activités artistiques promeuvent la santé
Pulsations, Juillet 2023
Art-thérapie: l’art peut-il soigner et guérir les malades?
L’illustré, Septembre 2022
Quellen freilegen
20min My Health, Juli 2022
Avancer grâce à l’art-thérapie
Pulsations HUG, Janvier 2022
L'art-thérapie en phase d'intégration
In Vivo CHUV, Avril 2018
Bindungs- und familienzentrierte Musiktherapie beim frühen Start ins Leben.
Kinderärzte Schweiz, März 2018
Medikament Musik - Heilen mit Rhythmen und Melodien
Vista, November 2016
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